DSLR Camera Basics - For Beginners
Duration: 3hrsTime: 6pm to 9pm
Place: Paramount Camera Repair
Cost: $189
Take Control of your camera!
This Saskatoon Beginners Camera Class is for anyone who is tired of shooting on auto, wants to know what ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture mean, and how to use them.
Loaded with valuable information on the basics of light, gear and shooting, you will leave the workshop with a much higher understanding of how your camera works, how to use it and how to maintain it.
Plus many extras like How to Buy Used Gear, How to Clean your Camera, Raw vs Jpg and much more!
There is always time for Q & A and we keep the classes small and personalized, 4 to 8 people, so everyone gets a chance to ask questions specific to their camera.
You will need a DSLR camera with at least one detachable lens.
Included in the DSLR Camera Basics Class:
- How a DSLR Camera works
- How a Mirrorless Camera works
- How a Lens works
- How to read camera/lens specs and abbreviations
- Aperture, ISO & Shutter Speed
- What is Noise and how to control it
- How to use M, Av, Tv and P modes
- Focus modes and how to use them
- Full Frame vs Crop Sensor
- Composition, how to frame your shots
- What is Bokeh and how to use it and get it
- Raw vs Jpg
- Single Shot vs Continuous
- Common camera and lens myths
- How to get sharper images
- How to buy used gear the smart way
- Depth of Field, what is it and how to use it
- And more.....